I love watching my children interact with my parents. Wrestling with my dad, and tickle-fighting with my mom. They are just ecstatic when Grandma, and Grandpa show up.
I have recently had the opportunity to take my children to see their Great-Grandpa and their Great-Grandma. It was a long drive and the only thing that kept everyone's sanity was the DVD player in the van.
When I introduced my sons to their Great-Grandpa (my mom's dad), he asked them if they had lost any teeth yet. My oldest replied that he hadn't yet. Well, Great-Grandpa then said, "I have" and then proceeded to pop his bottom dentures out!!! I thought it was going to scar my kids for life, but they all had a really good laugh and then my youngest wanted to see Great-Grandpa do it again! Typical boy....
We then went to Great-Grandma's house (my dad's mom). She always has had candy and pop at her house since before I can remember. So what is the first thing she asks my boys?....... If they would like a pop! HAHAHAHA Same old Grandma :)
We had a wonderful time and got to see many relatives that I haven't seen in a very long time I love to get generation pictures any time I can so I took some this time around as well. Neither Great-Grandparent had met the new baby so we had to get some pictures of them together as well.
I'm glad that I still have some of my grandparents around to learn from.
P.S. My kids still laugh about great-grandpa "popping out his teeth!" HAHAHAHAHA
It's the memories that count.